Whether you are buying a property, setting up a company or in need of tax advice, Colmeiro Abogados are here to help. We look forward to assisting you with all your Spanish business and legal needs.


Colmeiro Abogados (Advocate Solicitors), specialises in providing Spanish legal business services to both local and international clients. We have a multilingual team that is experienced and ready to assist.

Our offices are based in the picturesque medieval fishing town of Bayona (Galicia) on the North Western coast of Spain, approximately 22km south of Vigo.

Our prime location is accessible by multiple airports at Vigo, Santiago and Oporto as well as train and international motorway links. This gives us full access to a dynamic legal and commercial environment without compromising on our idyllic geographical position.

Our fantastic location keeps running costs down to a minimum, which in turn allows us to offer very competitive and value for money solutions to our clients.


At Colmeiro Abogados we are committed to helping our clients achieve their goals by providing focused and value for money legal advice of the highest standard that will exceed their expectations.

Colmeiro Abogados (Advocate Solicitors), specialises in providing Spanish legal business services to both local and international clients. We have a multilingual team that is experienced and ready to assist.


We offer our clients the highest standards of legal services by combining local knowledge and excellence in service to meet our clients’ requests whenever they arise.
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